Charlie Crouthamel, Owner/Inspector has been inspecting in the Central Florida area for over 27 years and has inspected over 15,000 structures since 1995. Much of his over 35 years of knowledge and experience came while doing home remodeling and repairs. He started in the home inspection business in the Daytona Beach, FL area in 1995. He has previously testified in court as an expert witness, appeared Mike Pepin's "Let's Talk Real Estate," was an invited guest on the Marc Bernier talk radio show, and had a feature article in the Daytona Beach News Journal on home inspections!
Years of inspection experience
Our Experience
Charlie is a STATE OF FLORIDA LICENSED HOME INSPECTOR (# HI1558). He is a Master Professional Inspector with the Florida Association of Building Inspectors (FABI # 0136) completed the schooling and testing to become a Certified Building Inspector
with (SBCCI / ICC) and is a Certified Residential Thermographer. Over the years, he has also completed hundreds of hours of State of Florida & FABI approved continuing education.
Peace of Mind
Thousands of clients have trusted House Pros Home Inspections over the last 27 years. We help you buy with peace of mind and confidence. We uncover the true condition of your potential home.
Attention to Detail
We have saved our customers thousands of dollars in costly repairs. We pride ourselves on customer service and attention to detail.